Setaro Paccheri Pasta 1.1 lb (500 g)

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  • Regular price $9.95

A favorite in Campania, paccheri (from the Neapolitan word for “slap,” for the noise they make when you eat them) might have been invented to smuggle garlic! In the 1800s, the Prussian king tried to prevent Italian export ofthe pungent stuff, but clever Italians carried it across the border tucked inside these extra-wide pasta tubes. While you can still fit a whole garlic clove inside each one, it’s now usually served with cream sauces or stuffed with sausage or ricotta and baked in a cheesy, bubbly casserole. It’s made by third-generation members of the Setaro family, who have been making pasta in Torre Annunziata for more than 80 years.