This special honey is extremely difficult for the bees to produce due to the rain and the cold of April; the blossoms are only on the trees for a very short period. A rare and limited supply honey, it is very approachable and versatile with a subtle sakura flavor that is exceptional when used in salad dressings or for Japanese marinades. Its liquid viscosity makes it easy to cook with ... or for a decadent drizzle.
Mario Bianco performed his artistry with his crew of bees in the town of Caluso, located in the northwestern part of the Piedmont, approximately 45 minutes north of Turin. From that vantage point in the Alpine foothills, Bianco and his team of flying assistants worked the flowering patterns of the local flora to produce an extraordinary variety of honeys. Sadly, Mario Bianco, our dear friend, guide and spiritual counselor, died in a tragic automobile accident at an age far too young. His work is carried on with equal fervor and talent by his son, Andrea Bianco.